High protein diet better for weight loss in obese

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Presenting the results of the study at the Nutrition Society Conference in Auckland, NZ, CSIRO dietitian Dr Manny Noakes said that the study suggests it is easier than previously thought for men to take action to lose weight.

The study compared a diet high in protein, red meat and fibre with one high in carbohydrate and fibre, finding that both diets led to similar weight losses, but the high protein diet was more effective at reducing abdominal fat levels.

“Abdominal fat is a key risk factor for men for a range of diseases including colorectal and other cancers,” Dr Noakes said.

“The results also show that a range of indicators of bowel, kidney and bone health showed no difference between the high protein diet and the high carbohydrate diet.

“For weight loss, red meat and other protein sources should be eaten as part of a balanced eating plan.”

The study was initiated by CSIRO as part of the Preventative Health National Research Flagship and partly financially supported by Meat and Livestock Australia. Over 100 overweight and obese men participated in the study.

Source: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

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